Realizations on Business, Balance, and Self-Awareness.

What I've come to understand is that entrepreneurship is as much about self-discovery as it is about building a business.

In my own journey, I've encountered pivotal moments that have reshaped my perspective on work, life, and self. The first major revelation struck me when I came to realize that my business is a direct reflection of who I am—my mindset, well-being, habits, and self-awareness.

Without that, the vision I have stays stagnant and my business only goes as far as my mindset (or blocks) will allow it to. In this article, I unpack the top 3 realizations I’ve had over the past 7 years that have radically shifted my approach to not just business, but every aspect of how I move through life.


Business Is A Direct Reflection of Your Mindset, Well-Being, Habits & Self Awareness.

You can only build a business as far as your habits, mindset and internal compass will allow you. It dictates your approach to HOW you do what you do. When you don’t think you can make a certain amount of money, you won’t aim for bigger. When you don’t have habits that set you up for long-term success, you find yourself constantly restarting the cycle.

A major block that unlocked everything for me was a subconscious belief that money was only valuable in large amounts. When I started observing myself easily spending on little things, but “never had the money” for bigger business investments, I realized all my small, pointless purchases ACTUALLY could’ve bought me the things I couldn’t afford, especially in business investments.

Those little habits were formed out of subconscious beliefs that turn into autopilot actions and ultimately told on myself.


“There’s no such thing as work/life balance, there’s just life and how you choose to live it. “ —Myself

This is an interesting one, because we’re so used to the idea of having work/life balance, and I get it. I really do and agree with the sentiment! But, what if we looked at it differently?

When this idea and quote first came to me, I was exploring the idea that there are actually no separate compartments of your life. In totality, how you spend your time, each day, is ultimately the story of your life. And even though we may have to spend more hours on the job than we’d like and have real responsibilities, we can be extremely intentional about how we want to be, act, approach any situation in our life. We can always implement our values, self-care, and love in our current reality while planning for the vision we desire.


You are YOU for a reason. Be Exactly That!

My 3rd and most recent major realization, the thing that turned the lightbulb on for me was learning about the world of Human Design and finding out I was a 3/5 Splenic Projector. If you don’t know… we’ll get into it later.

In the early days of my business, I was able to (and proud of) getting a million of things done in a day, having a hustle mentality, and “pushing through” to get conquer my to-do list. But I was ALWAYS burnt out, and could never sustain that energy the way I saw others do. This led to an array of self-doubt, confusion, imposter syndrome, and a lot of internal conflict.

I just knew there could be a better flow for me and I knew I had it in me to be extremely successful. Learning about my human design chart was ultimately a great reminder of what I already knew about myself, could reflect and realize that I was living my authentic design when I had the most success, and reading about my energy type gave me an exhale of permission to rediscover how to do things MY WAY.

These topics are why I’m passionate about the spring cohort.

A 3-month small group & 1:1 coaching container designed for founders, service-providers, and creatives who are ready to elevate their business, mindset, and skills to generate more revenue, find a business structure that works best for THEM, and find alignment within your business.

All while having a powerful intimate community to go through the shifts with.


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