The Cohort
For Founders and Creatives
Transform Your Business & Life in 12-weeks
Transform Your Business & Life in 12-weeks
a 3-month small group & 1:1 coaching container…
Designed for founders, service-providers, and creatives who are ready to radically elevate their business, mindset, and skills to reach their income goals, find a business structure that works best for THEM, and build a business that is aligned to who you are while having a powerful community to go elevate with.
Bridging the Gap between Your Current Reality and That Big Vision.
Ever heard of quantum leaping? It's this concept of making a giant leap forward in your journey toward your goals. Picture yourself moving from one level to a whole new one, skipping those usual small steps along the way—the ones we tend to get stuck in. It's like having a series of "Aha!" moments that propel you way closer to what you want, surprising even yourself with how fast you're getting there.
In this cohort, we are taking your business vision for the year and helping you bridge the gap from where you are today and where you’re going, to actualize it in 12-weeks! The worst that could happen? You make major steps forward. The best that could happen? You’ve achieve that “BIG THING” in 12-weeks!
The business you want, the creator you we want to be, and ultimately how you want to FEEL is already yours! It’s about getting out of your own way to actualize the vision you have for yourself, now.
Because the time will pass anyways.
Members Accepted
Wks of Business Guidance
Focal points of change
The Trio of Transformation
What Do You Want & How Do You Get There?
Crafting a strong vision for your business, rooted in the life you want to live, is your roadmap. It works as a guide to creating AND sustaining a business or career that you love, is successful, and deeply satisfying.
Together we’ll get clear on what your vision is for your life & business and create a clear roadmap on what we want to happen in the next 12 weeks!
How Do You Embody Who You Really Are?
When trying to make the big things happen, it’s NOT just about pushing through, working harder, or tackling your to do list. More often, it’s about GETTING OUT YOUR OWN WAY.
What often keeps us stuck are the story’s we tell ourselves (subconsciously) about who we are. It’s the deep rooted beliefs we have, that keep us in cycles we don’t want to be in.
What we really want comes from the higher, better, more aligned version of ourselves. The magic of making anything happen is really about WHO you become in the process.
It’s about de-conditioning from the mindset that is keeping you stagnant AND embodying the higher, better version of yourself that already has what you want.
Nothing Changes without [aligned] action.
How do we end up with the same goals, stuck in the same place, we started the year with?
You’re not taking action.
As much as I am a huge proponent of the inner work that needs to happen to sustain the change you want — learning, planning, and “the inner work” can be a sneaky place dreams go to die.
When we only focus on internal development, without taking action, it feels productive without moving external things forward.
Together, we’ll figure out what actions you can take, that align with who you are and where you’re at, but build the bridge to get WHERE you’re going!
Schedule Details Coming Soon
Schedule Details Coming Soon
Full Schedule Coming Soon.
For now here’s a preview!
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon…
We often set ourselves up for failure even with the best intentions. We say things like “I’m going to run 5days this week”, when any outside circumstance can throw that off. Instead, saying “I want to to run 7 miles this week” allows us to remain flexible, while being specific and intentional.
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon..
Details coming soon…
I’m Asia,
The founder of Die Free Studios. During these 12 weeks, I'll act as your support guide to help you refine your goals, move past the challenges and blocks that keep you stagnant, and nudge you through the BIG shifts — not only in your business but in your life.
Together, we’ll take a holistic approach to up-leveling your life and business to reflect your authentic self.
This cohort is for those who are truly ready to decide and commit to stepping into their higher potential, like yesterday.
You’re ready to get to your next level (now) and want to stop talking about, overthinking, and stressing about your current life to step into their higher potential.
Together, we’ll build the bridge from where you are today and the vision you have for your life and business tomorrow.
My Journey
So many things were wrong with my life & business.
It Got Lonely, I lost my Drive & Had No Idea where I was going or what I wanted…
The worst part… I KNEW I was capable of using my genius to serve others and create the business I wanted, but I couldn’t get out of my own way.
I focus on getting clear on what lights you up… because I’ve been in the opposite place. After the first 5 years of running Die Free Studios, I found myself in a slump.
I lacked vision.
Had no structure (because I couldn’t find one that worked best for who I was).
I was NOT progressing because I was hiding behind busy work instead of things that created outcomes.
I was burnt out!
Every time I tried to take bold action, I was pulled back by my real, everyday life.
My business became my prison.
I explored SO MANY ways of building a business that works for me… from having a team, getting an office, leaving to join a co-working space, back to being a solo-entrepreneur and all the in-betweens.
After a lot of trial and error, I had 3 major realizations when it came to business, balance, and self-awareness.
That’s why I’m passionate about this container that is an intimate, 5-person only, 12-week container of growth. This cohort takes a holistic approach to being an entrepreneur, a creative, and someone who wants to create a life and business they’re aligned with and love.
Our cohorts are a safe place to explore what works best for you, lay out all your dreams, goals, and real life challenges and get real life business and marketing coaching while addressing the YOU of it all.
The Cohort Application
Why 12 Weeks?
If we give ourselves a year, it will take a year…
You ever notice how when you HAVE to get something BIG done, you miraculously get it done (or at least make massive leaps of forward motion) within the timeframe you have! When things get serious, every distraction halts and you’re zero’d in on the most important factors to get it done?
Instead of waiting for an emergency or enough external pressure, why don’t we take massive change into our own hands?
12-Weeks is the span of one full business quarter.
And it’s a perfect and realistic amount of time to get clear, get focused, and make real progress.
In December, when you reflect on the year, what do you want to say you did and how would you want to feel?
This cohort is created to take your business vision seriously, and do it in a way that aligns with you.
The 12 Week Year Method
Some of the Topics We’ll Discuss:
Program Structure
Program Structure
→ Onboarding Call with Asia (60 Minutes) where we map out your business goals + create a business plan of action a.k.a the structure to what I'll be supporting you on within the cohort, which you'll also receive a multi-paged PDF document where everything will be broken down for you.
→ 1:1 Coaching Calls (60 Minutes) where I'm there to support you on your business goals + meet you with where you're at whether that looks like breaking down mindset obstacles, reviewing in real time any content or documents you've mapped out, looking over what you've executed within the past month etc.
→ Bi-Weekly Live Group Calls (90 Minutes) this is where it's all going to go down in a group/community setting which I guarantee you the energy + vibes will be next level. Not only that but because this is an application-based program, you'll be receiving input from not only me but others in the group as well who are specialized and the best at what they do!
→ Weekly Video Lessons The topic and lesson of the week will be released each week for you to watch and implement into your business and life. We will go in-depth with the work you’ve done during our live sessions for coaching.
→ Private Group Chat A space of community to get quick answers from myself and the other members, share resources + share the incredible progress/wins as they happen along the way.
You’ll Get:
✓ A Personalized “Vision - Pillar of Focus - Daily” Action Plan
✓ A Human Design or Astrology Chart (relating to your area of focus)
✓ Personalized Marketing & Content Strategy
✓ A 12-Week Digital Planner from The Sunday Jumpstart
Other questions? Email me at asia@diefreestudios.com
We are maxing out at 5 members. The cohorts are meant to be small and intimate for maximum impact for each member.
By keeping it small allows us to go deeper and see real progress which each person.
We will meet live every OTHER week making it a total of 6 live sessions and 12 video lessons (released each week).
In addition to that, there will be a group chat community for the members only, where Asia will pop in to help with any challenges in between.
NO. For context Die Free Studios’ top 2 clientele are practicing artists/creative professionals and service-providers. This is open to anyone who is ready to make MAJOR shifts, in their life and/or career pursuits.